GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: tmp_project/PhoenixCore/src/PStream_impl.h
Date: 2025-03-14 11:56:07
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 26 26 100.0%
Branches: 4 4 100.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /***************************************
2 Auteur : Pierre Aubert
3 Mail : pierre.aubert@lapp.in2p3.fr
4 Licence : CeCILL-C
5 ****************************************/
7 #ifndef __PSTREAM_IMPL_H__
8 #define __PSTREAM_IMPL_H__
10 #include "PStream.h"
12 ///Flux operator for stream
13 /** @param value : value to be put in the stream
14 * @return modified stream
15 */
16 template<typename T>
17 1 PStream & PStream::operator << (const T & value){
18 1 write(value);
19 1 return *this;
20 }
22 ///Flux operator for stream
23 /** @param value : value to be read from the stream
24 * @return modified stream
25 */
26 template<typename T>
27 1 PStream & PStream::operator >> (T & value){
28 1 read(value);
29 1 return *this;
30 }
32 ///Write a value into the stream
33 /** @param value : value to be written into the stream
34 * @return true on success, false otherwise
35 */
36 template<typename T>
37 1 bool PStream::write(const T & value){
38 1 return fwrite((const void*)&value, sizeof(T), 1lu, p_fp) == 1lu;
39 }
41 ///Write a table values into the stream
42 /** @param tabValue : table of values to be written into the stream
43 * @param nbValue : number of values of the table
44 * @return true on success, false otherwise
45 */
46 template<typename T>
47 3 bool PStream::write(const T * tabValue, size_t nbValue){
48 3 return fwrite((const void*)tabValue, sizeof(T), nbValue, p_fp) == nbValue;
49 }
51 ///Write a table values into the stream
52 /** @param tabValue : table of values to be written into the stream
53 * @param nbRow : number of rows of the matrix
54 * @param nbCol : number of columns of the matrix
55 * @param padding : padding of the rows
56 * @return true on success, false otherwise
57 */
58 template<typename T>
59 1 bool PStream::write(const T * tabValue, size_t nbRow, size_t nbCol, size_t padding){
60 1 bool b(true);
61 1 size_t rowSize(nbCol + padding);
✓ Branch 0 taken 2 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
3 for(size_t i(0lu); i < nbRow; ++i){
63 2 b &= write(tabValue + i*rowSize, nbCol);
64 }
65 1 return b;
66 }
68 ///Read a value from the stream
69 /** @param value : value to be read from the stream
70 * @return true on success, false otherwise
71 */
72 template<typename T>
73 1 bool PStream::read(T & value){
74 1 return fread((void*)&value, sizeof(T), 1lu, p_fp) == 1lu;
75 }
77 ///Read a value from the stream
78 /** @param tabValue : table of values to be read from the stream
79 * @param nbValue : number of values of the table
80 */
81 template<typename T>
82 3 bool PStream::read(T * tabValue, size_t nbValue){
83 3 return fread((void*)tabValue, sizeof(T), nbValue, p_fp) == nbValue;
84 }
86 ///Read a table values from the stream
87 /** @param tabValue : table of values to be read from the stream
88 * @param nbRow : number of rows of the matrix
89 * @param nbCol : number of columns of the matrix
90 * @param padding : padding of the rows
91 * @return true on success, false otherwise
92 */
93 template<typename T>
94 1 bool PStream::read(T * tabValue, size_t nbRow, size_t nbCol, size_t padding){
95 1 bool b(true);
96 1 size_t rowSize(nbCol + padding);
✓ Branch 0 taken 2 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
3 for(size_t i(0lu); i < nbRow; ++i){
98 2 b &= read(tabValue + i*rowSize, nbCol);
99 }
100 1 return b;
101 }
105 #endif